Make 35 Come alive                                                                                             

Time in UTC:

Radio Community Announcement

The Romeo Golf DX Club Mileage Match Battle Royal

Starts March 14, 2025, 

 Get ready for a great time in shooting DX. The Romeo Golf DX wrestlers will be trying to slam those miles out for three days. Don't know where you will catch them, they may sneak up behind you will a audio power slam. Wishing all of the RG competitors the best and one will walk away the Mileage champion.

2RG 104 Jeff-Founding president-1997

2RG 4744 Mark-Vice President-2022

Romeo Golf DX Club Information


Administration -officers-staff

2RG 104 Jeff - Founding president AR

2RG 4744 Mark - Vice President PA

2RG 105 Jessica - Treasurer AR

2RG 007 Jerry - Secretary CA

2RG 7112 Kelly/2RG 7111 Rusty - Recruiting Directors  SC

2RG 980 Dwayne - Welcoming Director OK

2RG 137 Terry - Net Commander  AL

2RG 4745 Sue - Zello Director PA

Join today! No membership fees!