How to become a Romeo Golf

Option #1
Fill out the membership Application on the website and send to You will be sent a confirmation along with a pending number for a Romeo Golf callsign. Next step is to make 1 contact with a member of the V-Team on 11 Meter (LSB/USB/FM or AM). Once the verification contact has been made, you will be added to the roster as a Romeo Golf operator and sent a membership certificate and logo patch by Email or Private Messenger.
After Verification you will be sent an invitation to join the Romeo Golf DX Club (members only) Facebook Group.
Membership Application
Date of Application_____________
How may we contact you: (please check all that apply)
Facebook Yes____ No____
Messenger Yes____ No____
E-Mail Yes____ No____
E-Mail/ Snail Mail Address________________________________________________________________________
Unit number you wish to use (if not available recruiting director will contact you to find one acceptable)_____________________________
If verifying contact has been made. Please list V-team member's callsign that has verified you. ______RG__________ ___________________
Your QTH and county ________________________________________
Military/community service (We honor those who serve or have served our country and communities)
Military Branch__________________
Community service (fire/rescue/law enforcement etc._________________________________________
Contact information_________________________________________________
Please list any other DX groups you may belong to: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Download, Fill out and send to

Option #2
Visit our Romeo Golf DX club international information Facebook page and contact our recruiting director. He will take all your information for membership application and issue you a pending Romeo Golf Callsign. He will walk you the steps to get your verification. Once your make your 1 required verification contact over 11 meter radio, you will be added to the Romeo Golf DX club roster and Romeo Golf DX Club (members only) Facebook Group.

Option #3
Just plain old radio. Get on our club frequency 27.355lsb (Channel 35) and call for a Romeo Golf V-team member tell them you are looking to become a Romeo Golf operator. They will check with the recruiting director or staff member to see if it is available. Once a number has been approved for you. You have made your contact and are officially a Romeo Golf DX club operator and member. If you choose to join the Facebook groups you may do so, or you may be RCO (radio contact only). If you choose to be RCO please give the V-team member an email so that Admin can send your patch and certificates to you as well as keep you informed on contest and other activities.