Youth Program

"Romeo Golf The Next Generation." It's goal and purpose is to introduce youth ages 6-16 into the hobby of 11 meter radio. Each youth enters in as a Cadet under the supervision of a parent or relative, the Next Generation staff issues lessons, and activations. The Cadets work at their own pace until they have completed the Cadet program, in which they will graduate and receive their Diploma from the Next Generation course. Upon completing the course they will officially become Romeo Golf operators, ready to carry on the hobby that past generations have grown to love.
Cadet Enrollment
Parental supervisor please fill out all fields
How may we contact you please check all that apply
Facebook yes____ no____
Messenger yes____ no____
Email yes____ no____
Snail mail yes____ no____
List all contact information as checked above
PARENTAL SUPERVISIOR___________________________
RELATIONSHIP TO CADET___________________________
1ST CHOICE___________ 2ND CHOICE____________3RD CHOICE___________
Cadet Please briefly give any radio knowledge or experience that you may have _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Notice: All Cadet activities through The Romeo Golf DX Club, must be done with parental supervision. All Cadets will be eligible for Romeo Golf DX club, contest, monthly check- ins, and pop up check-s in.
The Romeo Golf DX club " The New Generation" Cadet program will consist of the following lessons. 1. Introduction/Basic Radio operation. 2. Modes, Q codes and Phonetic alphabet 3. Keeping a log book 4.Radio etiquette 5. How to conduct a net activity
(Lesson five will also have a hands on activity for Cadets to conduct, with parental supervision a Pop-up check in. This activity is voluntary and not required for graduation.)
We can not express how important it is that no child should be on Facebook or social media. Their safety is most important. All communications and interaction with a Romeo Golf activation or Next Generation online lessons must be done with Parental Supervision present.
Cadet Signature
Parental Supervisor Signature
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